Because putting it off any longer would just be rude.

It’s going around I think: procrastination. Award season is among us. It’s funny, isn’t it, how they seem to come in waves of two’s and three’s, and then it will be quiet for a long period of time? I think this is because we are close-knit community who genuinely loves to support one another. Thus, we circulate the awards until they have made their way, like a jasmine scented breeze, to those we have come to appreciate, care for, are inspired by, learn from, etc…

The fact is, however, they are a whole-lotta work. This does not diminish my gratitude or appreciation for those finding me worthy of such an honor, but done right, they take time in responding to. There are the proper thanks to intromit, adhering to the regulations of receiving the award, nominating other bloggers, copying the links, copying the images, and so on and so forth.

I have four people to thank today. FOUR!

Jess, you started this whole thing. Darn you, and your heart-melting kindness.

Jess over at nominated me for the “One Lovely Blog” award. Jess herself truly does have One Lovely Blog. She spills her thoughts genuinely, sharing photos and sweet stories about her llamas and family in the most, well . . . winsome manner. For a sliver of peace, drop on by her blog, and peruse a beauty in the rough.

Marney at nominated me for the “Beautiful Blogger” award. A little redundant, but it must be said that Marney is a Beautiful Blogger. While I don’t know Marney all that well, whenever she posts something I am always intrigued as to how she will inspire us toward kindness and eschewing selfish ambition. She is smart and driven, and a person that, if we lived closer, I might like to get to know better.

Judyover at nominated me for the “One Lovely Blog” award as well. Judy’s mind is a busy place. I like busy. She has these fantastic dots and she’s always connecting them to God. Truly, she can take nearly anything, providential or random, and figure out how to lead it back to the source; which, of course, is the Creator himself. I’m not kidding. Check out her post on beer and God; those two are my favorite things!

Olivia over at nominated me for the “Reader Appreciation” award. Oh, Olivia, I just love her. She’s spunky and precocious, and has an opinion about books that she generously shares with us. I recently told her that my Goodreads list thanks her, for all the time in which she saves us. Her reviews are well thought out, and I think she does an amazing job of remaining objective, while still letting us know whether or not she enjoyed the book and why or why not.

Thank you, ladies. My heart is touched by your appreciation and thoughtful words.

I am asked in the guidelines to share 7 random facts about myself. These are kind of fun, I must admit. I always enjoy reading these on other’s blogs. So, in no particular order, here are my idiosyncrasies:

1) I snort when I laugh.

2) Lemon is not only my favorite scent, but my favorite ingredient in a dessert; lemon bars especially.

3) When I was a little girl, if I was having trouble falling asleep, I would bang my head on a pillow in an attempt to tucker myself out. Other than very mild brain-damage, I am good. <— That was a joke.

4) I used to be a gymnast, and as a result am very flexible. Anyone want to see me touch my toes to my head?

5) I thank God every day for allowing me to be a writer. And then I ask Him, “What were you thinking?”

6) My favorite thing to do on a Saturday morning is put on something whimsical in the background, and flip leisurely through House Beautiful or Country Home, while sipping fresh, piping hot coffee.

7) I love my puppy so much that it scares me a little . . .

Award acceptance details:

Each of these awards is to be accepted by:

Thanking and linking back to the nominating blogger.

Listing seven things about yourself.

Recommending other blogs. The number of suggested recommendations varies by award.  I recommended about seven each.

Let each recommended blogger know of your nomination, and link them back to your post so they know what to do to accept the award.

Paste the award image on your blog if you’d like to.

And on to the nominations. Feel free to choose from either image.

1) Nancy lives up to the name of this award, upholding a very lovely blog indeed. Mostly she shares her recipes, but there’s other treasures as well. But the food, oh, the food . . .

2) Amber is such a lovely lady. She inspires to a collection of interests, mostly, as I have seen in the way of family, music, and ensembles, giving all of us shopaholics anxiety by putting together those most sensational outfits that we simply must find a way to recreate.

3) Meredith resides in Sri Lanka. She is a traveler. She’s been to many places, seen a great many things, and her fine mind is enriched by all the sights in which she has experienced. Her writing is beautiful and her friendship is appreciated. You are loved, Mere.

4) Carol Ann considers herself an amateur photographer, but truly her pictures are nothing but a joy to behold.

5) What an interesting girl, this Melly. I am still just getting to know her, but I think I will let her blog speak for itself. It’s wide-ranging and eclectic and always a treat for the eyes.

6) Some of THEE most lovely pictures, and thought provoking posts. In a world where female bloggers are the majority, I am so very glad there are men out there sharing their passions with us.

7) I love the concept of this blog. Aren’t we all imperfect, and in those imperfections made all the more lovely? This woman shares herself, and her journey through life, having grace for herself in the ways in which we must if we are to be joyful people.

And the next . . .

1) Talitha is woman after God’s own heart. She speaks boldly in His name, declaring His goodness and the ways in which we might draw closer to him.

2) I have really grown fond of Ninali. For one, she leaves novella length comments, and for a writer, there just isn’t anything better than that. She is also a VERY talented photographer, and her pictures are made all the more beautiful by the gorgeous soul in which this woman carries about. Her spirit is infectious, and I am still hoping she might want to be pen-pals with me.

3) Again, oh, the food! Karista is a chef. Boy, is she ever! With her recipes, she is bound and determined to make us better eaters. She also — how do you find time?! — photographs her recipes, showing us step-by-step how everything came to be. The thing is, there’s a lot more to Karista; but that is for you to learn by engaging with her. She is a beautiful wife and a mom, and someone I have truly come to care for.

4) Elisa, another photographer who steals my heart with her photos, quotes, stories, and just by being the woman God made her to be. Like Karista, she is a mom and wife, and I would imagine excels at both. Elisa is one of those people who betters you just by knowing them. She is smart and kind and ridiculously gifted.

5) A beautiful . . . Grandma?! (I still don’t believe it, Silently) who writes poems and shares her love for a world that needs a whole heckuva lot of it. Thank you for being you.

6) Beth. Beautiful Beth makes the most lovely things, and better yet, she is a upcycler. First, she purchases the fabric from thrift-stores, and then she makes some delicious shirt, or skirt, or blouse, or tote-bag. Beth makes me want to break out my seeing kit . . . until I remember that I don’t sew. Beth is also kinda sparkly. You know what I mean by that? You look at her and she just . . . sparkles.

7) Oh, Lori . . . was there ever kinder lady? I am not sure there was. Lori is another who blesses people simply by being in their lives. She is encouraging, uplifting, and doesn’t think twice about loading on the accolades. And guess what? She means everything she says. She is someone who stands by her word, who, when she says she is going to do something, does it. Lori, you bless me.

8) Gloria is warm. She is a hug personified. I think . . . that if I was having a bad day, Gloria is the one I would want a hug from. She is a writer — a beautiful writer, working on her novel. I respect and admire her, and am so very glad she chooses to be my friend.

9) Jonel is that kick in the butt you know you need but don’t want to admit. She calls herself a crone, for crying out loud. She isn’t, though. She is beautiful, and her face belies her age. She doesn’t post all that often, but I am always curious to see what she has to say.

10) If Jonel didn’t do a thorough enough job kicking your butt, then Christy is your woman. She is one tough woman. And I mean that in every sense of the word. Yes, she is assertive and outspoken and plainly glad to be a woman who loves her roar, but she is also sincere, and all about empowering women to be the best version of themselves. To make goals and stick with them. She inspires me to take the bull by the horns and ride the darn thing until it submits or bucks me off.

And the one — The Reader Appreciation award — which comes with no graphic, I’m afraid, but only with my heartfelt thanks that goes to all of you. I could never pick just one reader to award this to; however, those of you that take the time to comment, to tell me your thoughts, your experiences, to literally share your life with me . . . thank you. Knowing you has made my life richer.

Bless you, and have a wonderful weekend! I’m off for a date with the man of my dreams and my reality. And maybe a mango margarita, too.

~ Cara

57 thoughts on “Because putting it off any longer would just be rude.

  1. Wow! That is some kind of compliment, Cara! I’ve never thought of myself as empowering, and didn’t set out to make a tough chick blog, and think it’s beyond cool that that’s what you’ve taken from my writing. It’s like you peeked into my high school diary and called me all the things I always wished I could be. 🙂 You’re the best, definitely deserving of your awards, and it’s been my privilege to watch you “take the bull by the horns and ride the darn thing until it submits or bucks [you] off.” (That line made me choke on my yogurt, by the way. Hilarious!)

    • Ooo, a peek into Christy’s diary, sounds like another good show (unabashed Vampire Diaries addict here)!

      Hopefully the yogurt tasted better going down the second time. 😉

      Happy Saturday, my friend!

  2. Someone’s special day is coming up and I may need to bake that special birthday girl lemon bars…

    Glad you are appreciated for all your amazing posts! You are dearly loved and admired beautiful, lovely blogger Cara.

    • Oh, my Spammy. Well, if anyone is going to make me lemon bars, I want it to be you! Your desserts — and anything really — are simply the best. Mmm . .. cheese dip.

      Love you, apple fritter.

  3. Why thankyou for the nomination! I love this little community of bloggers that is gathering; its fun and sweet and always interesting.
    I can relate with #2 & 7 and #3 made me laugh out loud. literally! xx

  4. Wow, Cara! Thanks so much for the nomination.

    This is where you insert my I’m not worthy Emoticon guy. Especially over the last three weeks, when my WIP consumed nearly all of my time.

    I’m going to put up a post in the next few days. One that throws mea culpas out there for all the wonderful blog friends who I’ve not had a chance to visit regularly if I hope to stay on-goal to complete my first draft.

    You’re are the best. And, yes, I’m a hugger. I hate to stand by when people are troubled or sad or lonely.

    I gratefully accept your award, on condition that you give me some time to post my response. I know (hope?) your answer will be yes. I’d love nothing more than to share my thoughts about your inspiring posts with a ping-back from my own blog.

    • Gloria, do me a favor and put your fingertips on your shoulders. Did you do it? Okay, now unhook the Cape of Pressure. 😉 I’m kidding, but not really. There is no pressure to respond. Seriously! Take as much time as you need, or if it’s too much — and believe me I would completely understand — then just enjoy being loved. I nominated you because you are beautiful; simple as that!

  5. Congrats, Cara! You deserve every one of the awards. Congrats to all your nominees, too. I’ll have to hop over and take a look. Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. First of all…congratulations times four to you, Cara! You deserve them all because you are a beautiful and lovely soul and person. Your posts are always true and honest.

    This proud crone (sounds better than old woman!)I humbly accept your nomination and kind words. I look forward to checking out some of the blogs you mentioned. Thank you!!!

  7. Cara,

    Congratulations on all the wonderful accolades! It’s so nice to be appreciated and recognized by others you admire. That’s why it is extra special to receive the beautiful blogger award from you. I DO SO ADMIRE YOU YOUNG LADY!! I’m also really looking forward to reading the other bloggers you’ve nominated, if I can ever get caught up on things! There never seems to be enough hours in the day.

    Speaking of that, hows the book coming along? Are you holding up okay?? I hope so. You’re never far from my thoughts and I’m sending showers of blessings to you my friend!


    • Oh, I’ve been wondering, since I’ve never heard anyone say your name, is it pronounced “Care-ah” or “Car-ah”? Silly to ask, but important nonetheless. 😉

    • Well that admiration is a boomerang, arcing right on back toward you! Your kindness and commission moves me . . .

      I am doing well, thank you! I have a surprise in the works regarding the book, that I will remain tight-lipped on for just a bit longer. But yes, it’s coming along — about 40 more pages to fastidiously edit and then . . . query time! I lose my mind about every twenty minutes or so, but I think that’s pretty good; used to be fifteen. 😉

      And it’s “Care-uh”, thank you for taking the time to ask! People are often mispronouncing my name or just missing it altogether, with Carol or Sara. Nice names they are, but they’re not mine.

      And you? All is well with your girls?

      • “Care-uh” good because that’s the way I pronounce it in my head. 🙂 It’s nice to see you in such great spirits after all that time consuming editing business. I bet you are so relieved to be in the final stretch!

        The fam and I are just peachy, enjoying the nice weather we’re having. I love this time of year!

      • Oh, wonderful! You won’t have to switch things around then. And I won’t have to change the way I pronounce my name. 😉

        Yes, yes, well . . . the editing drives me mad with insanity; but I cannot imagine there was ever a writer who wasn’t just the slightest bit mad. I refuse to be gloomy, though. It simply won’t do.

        So glad you are all doing well. I hope the nice weather continues through the week for you.


  8. Well I must tell you, that you made me snort coffee out my nose when I read this (I highly advise against this unless you want a “wake-up” of your breathing system)! Your novella comment was so funny and I love you for it! Thank you sweet Cara for the lovely (as always) words and the most generous nomination. As I have said before I feel so blessed that you found me because you are so inspirational and the beauty I am lucky to read…well I just love it. I look forward to every post.

    Thank you, I shall accept it and see where I can pass on the compliments.
    …and yes my dear friend, pen-pals we shall be 😉

  9. Hey Cara,
    Congrats on all your awards! Glad other people recognized a good blog when they saw one, too. Friend of mine saw your blog link on my page (from my nominating you for Beautiful Blogger) and she said she got sucked in! I said, “Yep, what’d ya think I nominated her for?”

    And all your angst about writing? Yeah, right there with ya. Some days, man. Some days. But can’t imagine not doing it.

    • Thank you, Marney! Truly I was, and still am, honored that you would choose to bestow me with such a lovely award.

      And I wanted to tell you, thank you as well for taking a moment to pass on that little bit of kindness, about your friend. That was thoughtful of you.

      Yes, well, I suppose we can commiserate, and that will make it easier, right? 😉 Anytime you need to vent, I’ll be here!

      Have a wonderful week!
      ~ C

  10. Thank you so much, Cara! Your kind words mean so much and have truly brightened my day. I have decided that you are probably one of the most thoughtful people around. I have seen many nominations, but the fact that you have taken so much time to portray each blogger from your perspective really says something about you and your ability to connect. I am thankful that I have found your eloquent, passionate, and honest blog and enjoy each and every read.

    I hope you, your weekend photographer, and sweet pup are all doing well this Monday night! Thank you again! hugs, Amber

    Oh, and I snort when I laugh, too 🙂

    • You’re very, very welcome. Amber. Your blog, as I mentioned, is packed full of so many delights, and I always enjoy my stay when I am there visiting.

      Thank you as well for your kind words. My day, too, just got a little brighter. 😉

      Oh, can you imagine the two of us together?! A regular barnyard fiesta we could have!

  11. It seems I am now the one procrastinating! Well, it’s not intentional just a completely chaotic schedule as of late. Thank you, thank you dear friend for the award!!! You are so kind. I love that you believe my mission in life is to make all my readers better eaters. LOL! Truly, you nailed it! I do want my readers to think “fresh” and eat “fresh”. As you can see, I just now found the time to thank you. Not very timely I’m afraid but still very heartfelt. I completely adore you dear friend!! Loads of love! Karista

    • Quite honestly, I am thrilled it took you this long to get back to me. You would never have started a blog had you not a message and something to share. Nor would you have gained the following of devoted readers and eaters; however, life happens on the other side of this blog. Whatever it is you are out there doing, the lives you are touching with your gift and just being you — that is what’s important. No guilt permitted here! 😉

      You’re very welcome!
      ~ C

  12. Pingback: One Year Later and Beautiful and Lovely Awards « THE COASTAL CRONE

  13. I feel ya, sister, I’ve been procrastinating myself 🙂 I kinda feel better about it when I see posts like yours and realize that other people will bunch all of the awards posts together and sheepishly say they are months behind!
    Congrats on all of your awards! Well deserved!

    • They can be utterly wearying . . . not that you aren’t appreciative, but it required much in the way of time to do a “Thank you” properly.

      Thank you, thank you! It is always nice to be awarded for being no more than yourself.

      Happy 4th to you!

  14. Oh well darn it and heck! Cara my forgetfulness is absolutely not intentional. Life is busy and in the “busy” I forgot about this award. Will get on it asap! Thank you again for the nomination. You are an absolute sweetheart of a friend! Love!

  15. Hi Cara
    I know people have all sorts of heated debates about coincidences and the like but how I come to be looking at your blog is amazing – or mad – or both.
    Well the story to explain how I got here is going to sound pretty mad but it’s an amazing coincidence that I find so much to like when I could have landed on pretty much any blog on WordPress.
    I admire your thing about water, fully identify with the one about light and as for the awards – well, time for a deep breath and plunge into the mad story.
    I won my fist award only last week, the One Lovely Blog Award – the red heart one, not the pink tree. And my computer chose that time to breakdown which didn’t help with all that copy and pasting of links that you mention above.
    I’ve done a fair bit of family tree research in the past which is only relevant inasmuch as it probably accounts for the crazy idea I had. The thing is, I don’t know where the awards originate from so decided to trace it back; look at the blog of the person who gave it to the one who gave it to me – just like tracing parents in a family tree only there’s only one, not two parents. Well, I didn’t get far before coming across just the sort of problems you get with real families; there didn’t seem to be a proper connection – at least, I couldn’t find it.
    So, I decided to try Google and found pages and pages of identical looking logo pictures which, by hovering over, tell you what site they are on. Well then I flicked my wrist a bit as the mouse lead had caught on something and that’s when it starts to sound like a science fiction story. I suddenly found myself here!
    I must be here because you’ve already got the same award so it seems a bit pointless to say I’m nominating you again but I’d like to add you to my list of admirees anyway.on
    Up to you if you want to reveal any more facts or nominate any more people. Maybe on a one for one basis? Does that sound fair?
    Well, I was thinking about writing a post about family trees of awards – O think you’ve ended up getting the preview.

    • Ros, I adored your mad, bizarre, wonderfully weird story of what brought you to This Little Light. I for one am not so much a believer in coincidences, but providence. I think we are led to the places and the people we are meant to know and explore, learning or giving whatever it may be we have to offer or glean. I’ve lost count of how many seemingly ordinary things have happened, when they turned out not to be so ordinary after all. I love that life works that way: we simply cannot expect the expected or the unexpected; life doesn’t ever repeat itself in the exact same way.

      I am touched that you found cause to nominate me again. Thank you . . . And congratulations to you again! After visiting your blog, I can attest that the content and graphics are certainly lovely and the sentiment well awarded.

      Looking forward to getting to know you,

      • Personally I think some coincidences are caused by providence.
        And as for where things lead…
        I had an email today informing me that Paula at things i tell my sister had visited my site – OK, we all get random visitors but the email contained a link to the post that contained a prayer request for a little girl called Rosalie. I believe it is a less uncommon name in America but I have only ever met two people who share my name.
        Add to that the fact that I usually lead our church prayer group…
        And how did Paula find me? Yes, through you.

      • Oh, sweet Providence . . .

        That is amazing cool, Rosalie. I am smiling right now, at the magicality of it all (Yes, I made that up. We writers can do that). Can I add another layer to our wonderfully weird situation: my middle name . . . is Rosalie. I’m named after my grandmother.

        I’ll lift up a prayer right now.

  16. Oh Wow! This is incredible!
    And magicality is a wonderful word – so different from plain old magic.
    Wonderful in a very literal sense – it conveys such a sense of wonder. In fact it recalls a particular incident involving a snow scene to mind!

  17. Congratulations. Your blog is a joy my friend. I admire the how you thank God each day for the ability to write. The talents we have are a gift from heaven that is there to be shared. Thank you for sharing these awards. It’s an honor to share this with you.

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