Doing It All

Do you ever find yourself muttering or declaring with savagery that there is never enough time?

We rise in the a.m. with high hopes and ambitions, only to lay our heads back down in the p.m. feeling unaccomplished, bedraggled, and a little despondent. Like we will never catch up. Like life is a kite string we stumble toward and chase after, on good days managing to graze with our fingertips and the rest of the time spend trying not to lose our tenuous grip.

Slow down!

Come back!

Wait for me!

Life is an earless animal. It does not hear us when we shout at it. Nor is it a kind stranger sitting in a crowded bus; it will not scoot over and make room for us. It gives us what it gives us. The same amount, everyday, rain or shine. I have realized that I cannot do it all. Maybe you will be surprised to know this came as quite a shock to me. Or maybe not. Maybe it surprised you too at first. I laughed. I said, Oh, no. I’m sorry, but you must be mistaken. You see, I am a multitasker. I do several things at once. It’s like my second job. So really I can do it all. What’s that? I look a bit strung out to you? Dark circles under my eyes? No, no, no, no. I can see how you might think–but no. No. Those are productive circles. Very different. They mean I am fulfilled. Yes, exactly. Fulfilled. Now you understand. Would you like to join me? I’m just going to take a seat here where I can make lunches, check my e-mail, water the lawn, and shave my legs.


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My name is Cara and I’m a chocoholic.

It’s true. Unless something is terribly, dastardly, unutterably wrong, there is not a day that goes by in which I do not feed myself chocolate. Coffee and Chocolate: those would be my “If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only have two . . .” But I think I would probably beg for three and add pizza; and ranch dressing. For what good is pizza without cold, creamy ranch dressing drizzled over the melting cheese?

Hm . . . ten o’clock, huh? Too early for pizza, you think?

No. Chocolate. I’m here to discuss chocolate.

In my drawer there are Andes Mints. In my basket on the shelf there are Cookies & Cream Bites. In the mason jar on my desk there are Hershey’s Mint Chocolate Kisses and New York Peppermint Patties. And in the kitchen on the ledge there is a decanter filled with Dove Squares. While I still can’t figure out how to get the gingerbread to set on the bricks, I’m in pretty good shape over here. Well stocked, you could say. So, if ever you should find yourself in a bind, frantic and chocolateless, you just come right on over to Cara’s, and we’ll fix you right up.

Below is a plethora of extensive information geared toward the benefits of consuming a small amount of chocolate daily. There’s plenty of corroborated facts and doctory research, and it would certainly behoove you to go over it if you have some time. However, I personally think you’re good if you only read the next four sentences.





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When the dog bites . . .

Today I stray from Meaty Ave. and head down Dalliance Ln. Won’t you join me, please?

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Restoration Heartware

I haven’t quite figured out what it is that drives humans toward wanting new things. Never have I come across a dog who found disfavor with its bowl because it was slightly chipped or stained. Nor have I seen a bird up and vacate its nest because the view was better from that tree. Taking it one step further, babies don’t wail louder if the blanket you swaddle them in isn’t made of cashmere or Egyptian silk. So long as the provision meets the need, all the above are content and happy. This leads me to believe that wanting new things is a learned behavior, stemming perhaps from boredom, envy, and the desire to belong. Pinterest has become a form of masochistic rehabilitation. Takes no more than a few seconds of browsing before the urge is instigated.

These two pictures best sum up how I feel about the matter:

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A Smile, A Sigh, And A Laugh

In her post today, Christy, over at, announced,

“Ladies and gents, it’s been a long week. And it’s only Thursday.”

I couldn’t possibly have agreed with her more.

If you have a moment, go on over and take look; she posted some awesome pictures — some inspirational, some humorous. I felt compelled to do the same, and headed over to Pinterest to see what I could find.

This was a fun project, requiring very little of me mentally — which is good, because my brains are gooey. For those of you photographers, chefs, writers, and craft enthusiasts, you’ll know well what goes into composing a thought provoking, interesting, or visually appealing post. The only reason I have not taken to posting on a more frequent basis is because, by the time I hit publish it seems as though half my day has been lopped off.

I’m cheating today. I’m copying and pasting, and I’m not looking back.

Happy Thursday!


My day does not begin until a ceramic handle is pressed into my palm.

Yes. Yes, it does.

There shall be dessert — always.

Banana Caramel Cream Dessert

Oh, Squirrel . . .

Buddha - I want to have your peace, your wisdom, your serenity, your divine nature AND your acorn hat!   Love, Squirrel #Squirrel #Buddha

Yes there is.


I would very much like to write here.

Now this is setting.

Sound advice.

Well said . . .

Just call me Ja Ja Gabore. “Garcon!”

. . .

No joke — I peed myself when I found this.

too funny

Joy and happiness; there is a difference.

Be joyful, always. For you are a child of God!

This is a tough concept to learn, but learning it makes all the difference.

Found this on an inspirational website with lots of exercises, daily tips and motivation

Isolate from time to time.


I think someone wants to play fetch, hm?


The mantra. “Press repeat.”

If ever there were to be words written indelibly on my heart, it would be these. Lord, it is for your glory that I seek greatness.

I smell a tutorial cooking.

Oatmeal Lemon Creme Bars

Well, when you put it that way . . .

I wanted to show you how I have already lost 24 pounds from a new natural weight loss product and want others to benefit aswell. Here is the site -   Found this on an inspirational website with lots of exercises, daily tips and motivation  #fitness #weight #fat #health #beauty

The best for last:


I wish you a blessed day, everyone.